MindlessAndEasy’s Affiliates

Below are a series of Affiliates that serve to provide immense value to you all, at no additional cost. (and often with discounts on their products as well)

As of right now;

  • I work a full-time job
  • currently returning to my University studies
  • spend a considerable portion of my time digging into cutting edge supplements
  • Reading new literature, keeping up to date with best practices for longevity/fitness/productivity

As a you can imagine, that leaves barely any time for me to focus heavily on my other side hustles like TasteMiasma or to enjoy a hobby like making music, or really having any bit of a social life.

I aim to churn out information that’s comprehensive, but is easy to understand for most people.

This is a relatively difficult writing style considering I don’t REALLY know how deep is TOO deep.

Hence why you also get more philosophical posts or generic “motivational” posts.

(Or in some cases where I’m thinking I might be oversimplifying or potentially missing information by being to broad.)

By taking on Affiliates of the products I enjoy and believe add remarkable ease to others lives, I am able to slowly build up enough money to transition into making THIS my job.

Hopefully I can transition into just running the blog, doing more comprehensive videos, recommending literature, and even freeing up enough time doing direct contact/consultations with you guys.

By freeing up a considerable amount of time through these means, I’ll be able to provide orders of magnitude more value to the world.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to each one of my current affiliates.

Lastly, A MASSIVE thanks to you for helping me live a life of service to the world, working on yourself, and taking the time out of your day to read and be better.



If you follow my instagram, you’ll know how much I love audiobooks and reading.

I understand that some people can not sit down to read a book.

In a world full of distractions and being “on the go” constantly, sometimes it’s nicer to have these things read to you.

It is nice for me to write or allow my eyes to close and relax with a story of my choosing.
I think there is immense value in such a thing for you as well.

Audiobooks are slowly growing in number and will continue to pave the way to less physical means of processing information and enjoying stories, new or old.

This is where audiobooks.com comes in CLUTCH.

Get started with a 30 day free trial and get your first 3 audiobooks at NO cost!!

You get access to a premium library of more than 450,000 books, plus 10,000+ free audiobooks ontop of access to sales and deals.

Try out Audiobook.com’s membership plan for free here!

The option to listen to my books on the go is outstanding.

Whether I’m in the car, taking a walk, or on the treadmill; I can listen to my philosophy or Self-Improvement books!

If you want a truly mindless and easy way to consume your favorite books/ podcasts, this is it.

Amazon.com (Amazon Prime Free Trial)

Click here to Support the blog by doing your REGULAR Shopping on Amazon.com (No Extra cost to you!)

Amazon prime Free trial Benefits

I know there is a LOT of contention with people and Amazon.

However; When I first arrived in Akron for College I realized that as a student, Prime was insanely cheap.

I’ve placed well over 500 orders since I’ve been a member and let me tell you, it’s incredible.

Having an item being ordered at 12:55pm and getting it delivered the SAME DAY, FOR FREE by 8:15pm is unreal.

Alongside of free and ridiculously fast shipping, you also get perks like above with audible.

They also work with twitch, so you get a FREE twitch prime subscription.

(Also a ton of in game benefits if you still game.)

If you have amazon prime and aren’t using your twitch prime sub, give it to my buddy virren over on AppleOni’s




If you love collecting books, look no further than Biblio.com!

With an impressive assortment of antique books, you’re guaranteed to find something to add to your shelf for display!!

Want something rare?

Whether you want something inexpensive or so grandiose it can be a centerpiece of your collection, they have it all!

Not only that; Biblio is also comprised by independent booksellers and stores, just like bookshop!
If you refuse to purchase anything through Amazon, then this has you covered.
By shopping through the bolded link above, Not only do you expand your collection, but you directly support the blog!

Check out a myriad of incredible and truly exceptional options of rare books at Biblio.com here!


Bookshop.org works with independent booksellers to help cultivate a community much like the one I have here at Mindlessandeasy
The mission statement they have is incredibly powerful and I HIGHLY encourage all of you to read it.
Here is a small excerpt
“Our mission is simple: To help local, independent bookstores thrive in the age of ecommerce.

Certified as a B Corp, Bookshop.org puts this mission and the public good above financial interests, giving over 80% of our profit margin to independent bookstores. In 2022, B-Labs announced we were “best for the world”: in the top 5% of all B-Corps. It is written in our governance documents that we will never sell the company to Amazon or any major U.S. retailer. As a Climate Neutral company, we are committed to operating sustainably.”

It is hard to not fall in love with something so enriching and powerful as a sentiment like that.

If you refuse to purchase anything through Amazon, then Bookshop has you covered.
Pick up your favorite book or delve into a world of new literature at affordable prices here!


Bulksupplements Ad

Again, on my instagram you’ve probably seen me talk about them for YEARS.

(Same with my youtube, Actually.)

As of last week (End of October, 2022.) I’ve finally been able to partner up with BulkSupplements.com

I’ve never had a LOT of money growing up, so getting things in bulk and at a decent price was a MASSIVE relief.

To this day, if I’m not taking creatine via my preworkout, I’ll use some from BulkSupplements.

Also, back in like 2016-2017 they had a little deal on amazon.

If you ordered a product from them, you could pick a free item to sample!

I did that SO much it’s not even funny.

I got AAKG, DAA, and even some Tribulus Terrestris to try, for FREE!

They dont do that anymore, (i think), but it was certainly a welcomed bonus at the time.

Infact, I think those small little gifts really solidified my brand loyalty.

Now, I can atleast offer you guys 5% off your first order, by using the code SAVE5 on your first order.

(I know, it’s only five percent, but it’s somethin’ atleast!)


Cronometer is an app that i have used for nearly a full decade that allows you to effortlessly track your calories.

It breaks down vitamins, minerals, macros and even has a feature to let you scan in codes from packaged foods.

The MAIN reason i like it, is because its free and has an app.

Originally it was mostly through the web when i started using cronometer back in 2014-2015.

They have a paid version that you can utilize, but I really didnt find any benefit from it given my food preferences, but it might be of use to some of you guys.

Click on the heading, get a free account to try it out and see how you enjoy it.